Sunday, December 23, 2007


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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Power-Driven People

by: Richard Possett, Sr.

Powerful People Are Powerful Performers ~ Your Daily Guide To Becoming A More Power-Driven Person is a book that provides you with a simple method to facilitate positive changes in your life. The book’s regimen is a fast and easy, but effective, daily plan of action for enhancing your living-life performance. It offers you a way for more achievement at work, home, and play. It is a system for greater accomplishment in both your personal and professional worlds. It is a process for increased positive interaction with family, friends, and fellow workers. It is a practice that helps you do better, feel better, and be better at living life. In the final analysis, this book helps you do a little more each day for a much better and complete living-life experience.

It goes without saying that a powerful performer looks good, feels good, acts good, and does well. The reason is that they do more. They perform at a high potential because they recognized their personal strengths and take positive action to make themselves stronger. Powerful performers spend time identifying their individual weaknesses and then proactively modify these debilities for increased fulfillment. Plainly put, they change their personal behavior patterns, their professional habits for a more powerful living-life performance.

Not changing anything in life suggests we will simply stay the same. But, in real life, you either advance or you retreat. You really never stay the same. Therefore, you must learn to change to become more productive or you fall back. And, going backwards should not be an option. It is not the way to live a high-performing life. For you see, our goal should be to grow until we die. That is how we express our true humanity. That is how we have a full life. That is how we advance to the ultimate. So, how do we progress?

The term more explicitly suggests something greater in amount, degree, or number. Thus, to be more powerful clearly connotes we must grow. Growth means change. We must do things differently by beginning to establish new high-powered types of activities. We must modify our current behavior and do away with old counterproductive practices. However, change is something that we earthborn do not handle well. The act of changing can be very difficult for us humans.

Human behavior researchers have identified five stages of change. These stages include awareness, consideration, preparation, action, and maintenance. Simply said, we first come to realize that there are more productive ways for living our lives. We see and acknowledge the need for positive change. Next, we decide to take action. We commit ourselves to making the necessary changes to progress, to advance. And finally, we choose to maintain those new behaviors for our long-term personal and professional benefit.

My professional peers think change is facilitated by eating the elephant–all of those unspoken disconcerting behaviors and habits–in the living room one bite at a time. It is called chunking. Basically, this approach says to start with tiny bites and stay with tiny bites. This procedure is very helpful in digesting difficult conduct; one does it one bite at a time. It is a straightforward method toward establishing new productive behaviors. It is similar to baby steps; that is, progressing in small steps.

This book shows you an easy way, the simple actions necessary to learn new behavior patterns and change old counterproductive habits. For behavior, good or bad, is something that you do, some action that you take. And remember, action is the fourth stage of change. Without it, you simply stay the same. No, you really retreat! This book provides, in tiny daily bites, the material and training necessary to change your behaviors and habits in a fast and easy fashion. This process, if adhered to, can make you a more power-driven person.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Powerful People Lead Healthy Lifestyles was recently ranked as high as #19 in the health prevention category on Amazon always lists the top 100 books in several categories and this book has consistently been in the top 50, today it's still well in the top 100 at #85!

Find out what it's all about, and order your copy at or today!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Power of CHEE

by: Richard Possett

Qi/Chi, also commonly spelled ch’i and ki is pronounced “chee” in the American language. Qi/Chi is a fundamental concept of everyday Chinese life, philosophy, and culture. It is most often defined as air or breath and, by extension, life-force or spiritual energy that is part and parcel of everything that exists in the universe. Many believe that Qi/Chi is the metaphysical potency that animates and sustains all living things. It is viewed as a positive spiritual force, the energy flowing through all people, the dynamism in the world.

Qi/Chi can be seen as similar to the logos attributed to the Stoics from Western philosophy. In the physical embodiment, the Stoic believes that the logos exists as pneuma, a substance imagined as fire and air. In Stoicism, pneuma is the power that animates animals and humans. It is the energy that holds lifeless material together–the internal tension that makes mass and matter an object. To the Stoic, all objects are a compound of lifeless substance and vital force.

There is only one term in the American language where the Chinese word Qi/Chi is pronounced “chee” and that word is chino. Here are some other pronunciations.

  • Qi/Chi (ke) as in the word Chianti
  • Qi/Chi (sha) as in the city of Chicago
  • Qi/Chi (shi) as in the term chicanery
  • Qi/Chi (she) as in the word chi-chi
  • Qi/Chi (chi) as in China and Chinese
  • Qi/Chi (ki) as in the term chiropractic

For recognition and clarity, we coined the word CHEE. We must, for the sake of clarity, and so our meaning may be easily followed. Thus, CHEE becomes a new American term, derived from the Eastern philosophical concept of Qi/Chi. CHEE becomes the positive energy flowing from the human condition of integrated fitness of the mind, body, and spirit. The synthesized elements that make up the essential essence of CHEE are:
  • First, the sane mind or mental stability;
  • Second, the conditioned body or good physical health;
  • Third, the devout spirit or human moral excellence.
Thus, the fundamental nature of CHEE is soundness of mind and strength of body, integrated with a stellar spirit.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What Does It Take To Be A Powerful Teacher?

By Mark I. Clemons

Teachers are everywhere, not just in the classroom. You are a teacher if: you are a parent or grandparent, do sales presentations, train employers, home school your kids, teach Sunday School, or are trying to persuade anyone about anything. So what do Powerful Teachers do differently? Powerful Teachers exemplify the kind of qualities that Jim Collins identifies in his book “Good to Great.” He summarizes the four levels of leadership as they are currently reflected in research and writing. And then he adds a fifth level that he says was exemplified in the leadership of all of the companies that he identifies as going from good to great and staying there. Powerful Teachers exemplify those five levels.

  1. Powerful Teachers are Capable Individuals who cultivate their talents, knowledge, skills and good work habits. You may not have the best supervisor or the best facilities or the best students but you can do the best you can with what you have. Be the best teacher you can be!

  2. Powerful Teachers are Contributing Team Members who contribute their capabilities to the group objectives and cooperate with others effectively in a group.Study the issues; attend conferences – state/national, network at every opportunity; work with others to forge objectives for the good of all. Get involved as much as you possibly can!

  3. Powerful Teachers are Competent Managers who coordinate people and resources to pursue group objectives. Most organizations are short handed at every level and somehow no one wants to be the chair. Stick your hand up. Rise to the highest level you possibly can.

  4. Powerful Teachers are Committed Leaders who catalyze commitment to a compelling group vision. Study the vision and mission of your group or organization, voice your opinion, spread the vision, and vigorously pursue that compelling vision. Commit yourself as wholly as you possibly can.

  5. Powerful Teachers are Committed to the Group or Organization rather than self. A Powerful Teacher; Gets results but with compelling modesty, Does what must be done with quiet, calm determination, Settles for nothing less than great but with ambition for the group or organization rather than self; and Takes responsibility for poor results but gives credit to others for success. You too can be a Powerful Teacher!

Mark, M.S. ED., NBCT, NATE, Master Teacher/Author/Speaker and coauthor of “Powerful People Are Powerful Teachers,” will inspire you to Think, Learn & Act in Innovative & Successful Ways. To have Mark speak at your conference, workshop or seminar contact him @ or call 918.277.9864. Check him out at or check out how you can become a Powerful Teacher at

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Being "powerfully meek" is a Fun Way to Live

by: Paul Smith

When I first heard about the Power Book Series, a Scripture that proclaimed Moses "the meekest man on earth" popped into my head, and right away I recognized meekness as a topic just waiting to be made into a Power Book. Of course, I was delighted when Peter Biadasz and Richard Possett gave me the OK to proceed. I soon discovered that most people have wrong notions regarding the meaning of meekness, and I began to realize how much power meekness gives to those who practice it. .

I looked up meekness in a dictionary: "Humble, resigned, submissive. That didn't describe the Moses I read about in the Bible. That Moses stood up boldly against a powerful Egyptian Pharaoh.and delivered his people from slavery.

As I gathered various quotations about meekness for inclusion in the book, a different definition of meekness emerged: strength, courage, fortitude--veiled by humility and consideration for the feelings of other people. I recognized that more often than not my life had been characterized by self sufficiency and pride, not meekness. Contemplating the sayings of the wise about meekness, I started practicing more meekness. I am still learning about meekness, but what a pleasant learning experience I have had! Actually, walking down the meek road has been fun. Get a copy of the book and complete the exercises; you'll find out what I'm talking about!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Great article from on getting your story out to the media.

Do you have a "Media Page" on your book's website with links to reports, statistics, other media mentions (author/book), and relevant articles on your topic to support WHY it is important?

If not, consider why YOUR book should be chosen to cover in a story....Doesn't it make sense to do the homework for the reporter BEFORE you ask them to write about your book?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Special Edition Available

Autographed, exclusive, special edition copies of
Powerful People Overcome Powerful Failures
Visit HERE to order!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Who Are You Having Breakfast With?

by: Peter Biadasz

If you had met with 20 people before you got to the office this morning, how much would your business improve? People like you and me do it everyday and reap the benefits of success as a result. Every morning some where in this country there is a breakfast meeting with as it sole purpose to network the attendees with each other. In fact, this week there is a network breakfast event with-in driving distance of your home or office. Some of the meetings even have a person’s name - B.O.B. (business over breakfast).

I was going to list all the breakfast network meetings in this region, but it would be a small yet potent book. It seems that your local Chamber of Commerce is probably sponsoring a monthly or quarterly breakfast network meeting that you are invited too. If, on the rare occasion that your Chamber does not have one, start one (You can contact me at for details). The average networking breakfast has between 60-85 attendees, has a speaker or topic of the day, 1-3 table rotations, seating of 8-10 people per table and a hot or continental breakfast with lots of coffee (Although your are supposed to be attending for the networking, not the food). One of the largest network breakfast meetings occurs every month in Tulsa, Oklahoma averaging 250 attendees per month. If you know of a consistently larger group, let me know.

When (notice I did not say “if”) you attend these meeting there are a few guidelines that will make it the most productive hour of your week. Simply put:

  1. Bring alot of business cards,
  2. Get there early,
  3. Have a good 30 second commercial prepared,
  4. Don’t sit with people you know (unless you are furthering a business relationship),
  5. Make notes on the back of cards as you meet people, and
  6. Follow-up with EVERYONE that you meet. If not, you just wasted an hour of your time.

Remember, everyone you meet at a breakfast network meeting also has a network of their own. Your goal is not always to do business with everyone that you meet (although that would be nice). The goal is to get plugged into their network and plug them into your network.

Now, don’t mornings seem a little brighter?

Copyright 2007, Peter Biadasz

Peter Biadasz is a noted author (Powerful People Are Powerful Networkers, etc.) and speaker. Learn more about him and his many books at and

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Powerful Caffeine!

Master networker and PowerSeries co-creator Peter Biadasz shares the latest news on the Power Series books at a Tuesday Morning Coffee Network Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Read about it here from Tulsa Happenings. Thanks for the post, Jose'!

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